The bridge at The Old Mill is scheduled to undergo repairs beginning January 6, 2025. See below for alternate routes.
Visit us in the heart of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee…
Whether you’d like to fill your kitchen with authentic Appalachian flavors, your dining room with time-honored artisan dinnerware, or your home with an overall sense of classic Southern hospitality, we invite you to experience an abundance of options crafted right here in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
The Old Mill (Open Daily)
175 Old Mill Avenue Pigeon Forge, TN 37863
Find the address, phone number and hours of operation for each of our restaurant and retail locations below.

Dine at the Old Mill
Sunday — Thursday: 8:00am — 8:30pm
Friday & Saturday: 8:00am — 9:00 pm
*Top Rated Restaurant in Pigeon Forge
Brunch Hours:
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00am — 2:00pm
Lunch & Dinner Hours:
Sunday — Saturday: 11:00am — 9:00 pm
Shop at the Old Mill
Sunday-Saturday: 8:00am — 8:00pm
Sunday-Thursday: 10:00am — 7:00pm
Friday-Saturday: 10:00am — 8:00pm
Sunday-Thursday: 10:00am — 7:00pm
Friday-Saturday: 10:00am — 8:00pm
Monday-Saturday: 10:00am - 9:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday-Thursday: 10:00am — 7:00pm
Friday-Saturday: 10:00am — 8:00pm
Sunday-Thursday: 10:00am — 7:00pm
Friday-Saturday: 10:00am — 8:00pm

Bridge undergoing repairs
The bridge at The Old Mill is scheduled to undergo repairs beginning January 6, 2025. During that time, you may need to take an alternate route to get to us from the other end of Old Mill Ave.
Here are some simple directions for alternate routes.
Stoplight 7 turn left on River Rd., return to the Parkway, turn right at Stoplight 5 and follow directions below.
Stoplight 5 Jake Thomas Rd. to Teaster Ln. to Old Mill Ave.
Stoplight 8 Dollywood Ln. to Teaster Ln. to Old Mill Ave.
Parking, Transportation, Directions
Free parking is available for Old Mill guests in front of our restaurants and shops. If you’re eating at the Pottery House Cafe, you’ll find additional parking from Butler Street, right off of Old Mill Ave.
We monitor our parking areas but please keep valuable belongings with you or out of sight in your vehicles.
We are lucky to have Patriot Park, the main hub for the Pigeon Forge Trolley system right down the sidewalk. With stops all over town, you don’t even have to worry about driving or parking! You can find their fare and route schedules here.